Brasilian Cotton. International Federation of Mast
Brasilian Cotton. International Federation of Mast
Preço: 48 €
Brasilian Cotton. International Federation of Mast
N 13879 Brasilian Cotton. International Federation of Master Cotton Spinners & Manufacturers Associations. Manchester England 1922. 231 (XI) Pgs. 19x24,5cm. Muito ilustrado. Encadernado.
Being the Reporto f the Journey of the International Cotton Mission trought the cotton States of São Paulo, Minas Gerais, Bahia, Alagôas, Sergipe, Pernambuco, Parahyba, Rio Grande do Norte, by Arno S. Pearse.
General Secretary of the International Federation of Master Cotton Spinners And Manufactures Associations. March to September 1922.
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Being the Reporto f the Journey of the International Cotton Mission trought the cotton States of São Paulo, Minas Gerais, Bahia, Alagôas, Sergipe, Pernambuco, Parahyba, Rio Grande do Norte, by Arno S. Pearse.
General Secretary of the International Federation of Master Cotton Spinners And Manufactures Associations. March to September 1922.
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