William Safire On Language 

William Safire On Language 

William Safire On Language 

Usage Ace (3), Adverbial Lapel-Grabber (4), Advertising: Belt the Kids! (5), Alphabet Soup (10), Alternate/Alternative (11), Anachronism (11), Any More/Anymore (13), Anxious or Eager? (12), Asap'S Fables (19), as I Was Saying (21), Ate Haters (22), Bi the Bi (29), Boggling the Mind (30), Center On (35), Clearly In Vogue (37), Coming On (47), Could Care Less (59), Downhill (70), Eating Your Cake (72), Fair'S Not Fair (87), Fashionese (88), Feisty (90), Flew Out/Flied Out (96), Floutsmanship (96), Fortunate/Fortuitous (98), Fumblerules of Grammar (99), Further/Farther (103), Goodbye Girl (110), Have a Nice Day (120), Heady Stuff (122), Help! But (129), Heyday (129), Hobson Objects (132), Hopefully (134), the Intriguers (142), Kratz Family (150), Languajoke (151), Less Is More, Not Fewer (152), Literally Illiterate (153), Meta-Fore! (158), Miscreant (161), Names: So Long, Mary (172), No-Name Nomenclature (177), Notion: How Deep Is It? (184), Now Hear This (189), Number of (190), Numbers In Slogans (191), On Line/In Linc (192), Parameters (199), Pettifogging (205), Pet Peeves (202), Plural of "Um" (209), Post Haste (212), Pro- (216), Query (223), Reason Why Not (227), Rhetoric (234), Slippage (246), Subsume (265), "Thank You Much" (269), This Is What (272), Trivia Question (277), Turpitude (278), Two-Way Words (279), Ups and Downs (283), Verbs From Nouns (284), Viable (287), Vulnerable (291), Watersheds (292), Wholesale (297), Who/Whom (300), Wiseguy Problem (301), Yule (305) Style Apostrophe (16), Bogus Titling (31), Closings (39), Commencement Address (49), Desks Who Write (66), Epitaph (80), Flat (93), Frontrunning (99), Generic: What'S In a Name? (106), God Damn (108), Graduated From (118), Hellish Decision (128), Hyphenating Americans (136), I Declare (138), Inappropriate (141), Investigative Reporter (143), Kissingerese (146). Latin Lovers (151), Molasses Delivery Systems (165), Not Un- (187), One-Word Sentence (192). Only the Lonely (196), Ostentatious Rejection (198), Post Haste (212), "Q"
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