Unfriendly Skies
Unfriendly Skies
Preço: 15 €
Unfriendly Skies
Unfriendly Skies
Revelations of a Deregulated Airline Pilot By Captain "X" and Reynolds Dodson
There Have Been Mechanics Who Have Been Threatened For Reporting Mechanical Failures. There Are Pilots At Several Airlines Who Have Been Censured By Their Superiors For Having Dared To
Suggest That Their Planes Might Not Be Airworthy. The Inevitable Result Is That Pilots Have Learned To Protect Themselves. We'Ve Learned To Shut Up. Even if It Means Endangering the Flying Public.
Portes incluídos no valor anunciado, correio normal.
Qualquer extravio/dano no envio pelos CTT é da exclusiva responsabilidade dos mesmos.
english, inglês
Revelations of a Deregulated Airline Pilot By Captain "X" and Reynolds Dodson
There Have Been Mechanics Who Have Been Threatened For Reporting Mechanical Failures. There Are Pilots At Several Airlines Who Have Been Censured By Their Superiors For Having Dared To
Suggest That Their Planes Might Not Be Airworthy. The Inevitable Result Is That Pilots Have Learned To Protect Themselves. We'Ve Learned To Shut Up. Even if It Means Endangering the Flying Public.
Portes incluídos no valor anunciado, correio normal.
Qualquer extravio/dano no envio pelos CTT é da exclusiva responsabilidade dos mesmos.
english, inglês
- TipoVenda
- ConcelhoSintra
- FreguesiaAlgueirão-Mem Martins
- Id do anúncio33677930
- Id do anuncianteLV01500
Etiquetas: Outros géneros
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Anunciante desde Jul. 2013 PRO
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