The Naked Civil Servant: Quentin CRISP (Portes Incluídos)

The Naked Civil Servant: Quentin CRISP (Portes Incluídos)

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The Naked Civil Servant
Quentin CRISP
Apresenta marcas da passagem do tempo

In 1931, gay liberation was not a movementit was simply unthinkable. But in that year, Quentin Crisp made the courageous decision to "come out" as a homosexual. This exhibitionist with the henna-dyed hair was harassed, ridiculed and beaten. Nevertheless, he claimed his right to be himselfwhatever the consequences. The Naked Civil Servant is both a comic masterpiece and a unique testament to the resilience of the human spirit.

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Etiquetas: Literatura

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Luís Chainho

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