Philosophical Essays - Richard Cartwright

Philosophical Essays - Richard Cartwright

Título: Philosophical Essays
Autor: Richard Cartwright
Editora: The MIT Press
Tema: Filosofia
Estado: 4
Língua: Inglês
Encadernação: Brochado
Ano: 1987
Páginas: 266
Dimensões: 15*23
Preço: 20,00 EUR

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Classificação de Estado:

3 - estado razoável: poderá ter algumas imperfeições, marcas, dobras ou alguns danos na capa, bem como marcas de posse (assinaturas e sublinhados)
4 - estado bom: pode ter marcas de tempo (manchas e oxidação), bem como marcas de posse (assinaturas e sublinhados)
5 - estado muito bom: pode apresentar sinais de posse
5+ novo ou como novo

Richard Cartwright is one of the most clearheaded, astute, and penetrating philosophers in this country. Because of his own strict standards, however, his work has been published only sparingly and is not as well known as he himself is. Philosophical Essays is a welcome first collection. It includes fifteen essays spanning three decades of Cartwright's thought and focusing on central problems in the philosophy of logic, the philosophy of language, and metaphysics. The introduction offers an excellent guide to Cartwright's mode of thought and pedagogical style.

Some of these essays are now regarded as classics; six others are published here for the first time. Each of them, from "Macbeth's Dagger" to "Negative Existentials" and "Propositions of Pure Logic" is a model of craftsmanship and clarity of thought. They span a variety of topics, including identity, truths, essence, implication, and philosophical method.
Etiquetas: Literatura

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