Marketing Fine Art Photography

Marketing Fine Art Photography

Marketing Fine Art Photography, Alain Briot

Alain Briot

Texto contracapa:
Many photographers have considered selling their work to make a profit and help defray the high costs of equipment. However, they often dont have the business and marketing knowledge required to successfully sell fine art photographs. In Marketing Fine Art Photography, Alain Briot teaches you how to take control of the selling process and increase your profits. He offers practical, up-to-date and field-tested marketing techniques from the viewpoint of a fine art landscape photographer who earns a living from the sale of his prints. His approach is based on offering quality not quantity, and offering something unique rather than something that is mass-produced. After a series of trials and errors, Briot devised a marketing system that allowed him to get out of debt, pay for a state-of-the-art studio, and pur-chase his first home, all from the sale of his pho-tography. He has taught fine art photography marketing to numerous students in seminars, through one-on-one consulting, and through his Marketing Mastery tutorial DVD. Topics include: Defining fine art photography Wholesale, retail, and consignment Knowing your customer Where to sell and how to price fine art Fundamentals of marketing and salesmanship Profitability and honesty in business Packing and shipping fine art Common marketing mistakes The unique selling proposition (USP)

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