Madame Tussaud'S
Madame Tussaud'S
Preço: 10 €
Madame Tussaud'S
Madame Tussaud'S
English Edition
Illustrated Guide To Madame Tussaud's
The Exhibition
The Upper Floor
The Tableaux
The Conservatory Heroes
The First Floor
The Grand Hall
Including Kings and Queens and the Royal Family
Below Ground
The Chamber of Horrors
The Ground Floor
The Battle of Trafalgar
The History
Madame Tussand'S
Making Portraits In Wax Today
History of Wax Portraiture
Text By Roy Strong
Designed By Julia Trevelyan Oman
Photographs By Kenneth Griffiths, Derry Moore, Donald Southern & John Welbur
Portes não incluídos no valor anunciado, correio normal: 3.50 euro.
Qualquer extravio/dano no envio pelos CTT é da exclusiva responsabilidade dos mesmos.
English Edition
Illustrated Guide To Madame Tussaud's
The Exhibition
The Upper Floor
The Tableaux
The Conservatory Heroes
The First Floor
The Grand Hall
Including Kings and Queens and the Royal Family
Below Ground
The Chamber of Horrors
The Ground Floor
The Battle of Trafalgar
The History
Madame Tussand'S
Making Portraits In Wax Today
History of Wax Portraiture
Text By Roy Strong
Designed By Julia Trevelyan Oman
Photographs By Kenneth Griffiths, Derry Moore, Donald Southern & John Welbur
Portes não incluídos no valor anunciado, correio normal: 3.50 euro.
Qualquer extravio/dano no envio pelos CTT é da exclusiva responsabilidade dos mesmos.
- TipoVenda
- ConcelhoSintra
- FreguesiaAlgueirão-Mem Martins
- Id do anúncio43011049
- Id do anuncianteLV10391
Etiquetas: Outros géneros
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