Livro - Romanticism - An Anthology - Duncan Wu (Ed.)

Livro - Romanticism - An Anthology - Duncan Wu (Ed.)

Título: Romanticism - An Anthology
Autor: Duncan Wu (Ed.)
Editora: Blackwell
Tema: Literatura
Estado: 3
Língua: Inglês
Encadernação: Brochado
Ano: 1996
Páginas: 1142
Dimensões: 15*22,5
Preço: 15,00 EUR

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Classificação de Estado:

3 - estado razoável: poderá ter algumas imperfeições, marcas, dobras ou alguns danos na capa, bem como marcas de posse (assinaturas e sublinhados)
4 - estado bom: pode ter marcas de tempo (manchas e oxidação), bem como marcas de posse (assinaturas e sublinhados)
5 - estado muito bom: pode apresentar sinais de posse
5+ novo ou como novo

Duncan Wus Romanticism: An Anthology has been appreciated by thousands of literature students and their teachers across the globe since its first appearance in 1994, and is the most widely used teaching text in the field in the UK. Now in its fourth edition, it stands as the essential work on Romanticism. It remains the only such book to contain complete poems and essays edited especially for this volume from manuscript and early printed sources by Wu, along with his explanatory annotations and author headnotes. This new edition carries all texts from the previous edition, adding Keatss Isabella and Shelleys Epipsychidion, as well as a new selection from the poems of Sir Walter Scott. All editorial materials, including annotations, author headnotes, and prefatory materials, are revised for this new edition.

Romanticism: An Anthology remains the only textbook of its kind to include complete and uncut texts of:

Wordsworth and Coleridge, Lyrical Ballads (1798)
Wordsworth, The Ruined Cottage, The Pedlar, The Two-Part Prelude, Michael, The Brothers and the Preface to Lyrical Ballads (1800)
Charlotte Smith, Elegiac Sonnets (3rd edn, 1786), The Emigrants, Beachy Head
Felicia Dorothea Hemans, Records of Woman sequence (all 19 poems)
Byron, Childe Harolds Pilgrimage Canto III and Don Juan Dedication and Cantos I and II
Blake, Songs of Innocence and of Experience, The Marriage of Heaven and Hell, and Urizen
Shelley, Prometheus Unbound, Epipsychidion, The Mask of Anarchy and Adonais
Keats, Odes, the two Hyperions, Lamia, Isabella and The Eve of St Agnes
Hannah More, Sensibility and Slavery: A Poem
Anna Laetitia Barbauld, Eighteen Hundred and Eleven
Ann Yearsley, A Poem on the Inhumanity of the Slave-Trade
Helen Maria Williams, A Farewell, for two years, to England

As well as generous selections from the works of Mary Robinson, John Thelwall, Dorothy Wordsworth, Robert Southey, Charles Lamb, Thomas De Quincey, William Hazlitt, Leigh Hunt, John Clare, Letitia Landon and Elizabeth Barrett Browning.

Visit for resources to accompany the anthology, including a dynamic timeline which illustrates key historical and literary events during the Romantic period and features links to useful materials and visual media.
Etiquetas: Literatura

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