Computational Molecular Biology

Computational Molecular Biology

Estado do livro: Como novo

In one of the first major texts in the emerging field of computational molecular biology, Pavel Pevzner covers a broad range of algorithmic and combinatorial topics and shows how they are connected to molecular biology and to biotechnology. The book has a substantial "computational biology without formulas" component that presents the biological and computational ideas in a relatively simple manner. This makes the material accessible to computer scientists without biological training, as well as to biologists with limited background in computer science.

Autor(a): Pavel A. Pevzner
Idioma: Inglês
Dimensões: 185 x 235 x 24 mm
Encadernação: Capa Dura
Paginas: 315
Etiquetas: Outros géneros

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A. Rodrigues

Anunciante desde Ago. 2013
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