Captains of Brazil / Elaine Sanceau

Captains of Brazil / Elaine Sanceau

. Livraria Civilização - Editora
. Porto, 1965
. Com índice de nomes e locais
. Capa dura
. 380 páginas
. Ligeiros sinais de envelhecimento na capa, miolo como novo
. Valor inclui portes em correio registado

"In 1492, when Columbus returned from his first voyage, diplomatic relations between Castile and Portugal suffered a shock.
The Genoese proclaimed that, sailing west, he had found Cipango and the gates of the Far East. The King of Portugal, D. João II, without commenting upon such a claim, launched a vigorous protest. He declared that the ocean ways, first opened by the Portuguese, were his by right, and all newly-discovered lands beyond the sea belonged to him according to the Papal Bulls granted to his great-uncle the Infante D. Henrique."
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Duarte Martinho

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