Mayhem de Paul Henke (exemplar autografado)

Mayhem de Paul Henke (exemplar autografado)

Título: Mayhem - Exemplar autografado - foto 3
Autor: Paul Henke
Good Read Publishing
Edição/Impressão: 2000
Classificação Temática: Thriller
Páginas: 376
ISBN: 9781902483023
Capa mole
Estado razoável
Idioma: Inglês
Israel is under great threat from its neighbours without and traitors within... Its leaders can resort to use of nuclear weapons in self-defence but fear the catastrophe that would result. Samuel Dayan is the traitor who has orchestrated a number of atrocities in Europe and the Middle East, with blame falling on Israel. David Golightly, Israels Deputy Prime Minister is frantically trying to prevent the threatened conflict. Nick Hunter and his TIFAT team are brought in to help and after several bloody encounters, and assistance from Ruth Golightly, a Mossad agent, the TIFAT team finally confront Dayan and his followers.
Etiquetas: Literatura

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