Catalysis from Theory to Application- An Integrated Course

Catalysis from Theory to Application- An Integrated Course

Catalysis from Theory to Application- An Integrated Course
José Luís Figueiredo- Mariette M. Pereira-Joaquim Faria

José Luís Figueiredo- Marette M. Pereira-Joaquim Faria
Imprensa da Universidade de Coimbra - 2008
Book dimensions:240x165x35 mm.
Wight of the book: 1040gr

Book in excellent condition
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This book Catalysis from Theory to Application. An Integrated Courseencompasses the lectures of an integrated course on Catalysis (CIC2006)organized in the University of Coimbra according to the guidelines setup by the ERA-Net ACENET (Applied Catalysis European Network). The bookis subdivided in five sections: heterogeneous, homogeneous, photo- andelectro-catalysis and a fifth section covering experimental design andplanning.The course and the lectures presented in this book intend tooffer a broad and comprehensive survey on the different subjects ofcatalysis. Indeed, most graduate students in Chemistry or ChemicalEngineering have only fragmented knowledge. Accordingly, the book isintended for undergraduate and post-graduate students or IndustrialResearchers of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering interested inacquiring integrated knowledge in this field.

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