SPE Linear Automático EXPERT-2K-FA

SPE Linear Automático EXPERT-2K-FA

SPE Linear Automático EXPERT-2K-FA c/ ATU RF 2KW n (ver etiqueta), com cabo para Yaesu FT-DX3000

SPE EXPERT 2K-FA 2 KW Solid State Fully Automatic Linear Amplifier 1.8 MHz To 50 MHz Including WARC Bands, with cable for Yaesu FTDX3000
FCCID: (ver na imagem)
Série n (ver na imagem)
Original Equipment (Equipamento original)

Manufacturer price (Preço de Fabricante):
UK: (converta o valor de euros para a moeda indicada) (UK)
Eur: EUR (ver o preço) (EUR)

Worldwire delivery (Entrega mundial)

Shipping conditions (Condições de transporte):
Order for shipment (Envio)
Packing (Embalagem)
Insurance (Seguro)
Registered order (Encomenda registada)
Acknowledger of receipt (Aviso de recepção)

Attention (Atenção):
Shipping price not included (Preço de envio não incluído)

Method payment (Método de pagamento):
Transfer bank only before shipping (Transferência bancária antes do envio)

The smallest in its class.
Built-in Power supply and Automatic Antenna Tuner.
Dimension: L 38, H 20.3, P 43 cm (14.96 W, 7.87 H,16.93 D) (connettors and rubber feet included).
Weight approx: 40 kg. 88,19 lb. 1410,96 oz.

The most technologically advanced in the world
Two powerfull CPUs are used.
Software updated to be always compatible with the new rigs.

Fully Automatic
Easy connection with all models "ICOM, YAESU, KENWOOD, TEN-TEC, FlexRadio ELECRAFT" for immediate management of the bands, tuner and antennas.
Same performance with all makes or homemade rigs.
The operator has only to move the Frequency Tuning Knob in the transceiver!!!

Wide frequency coverage
1.8 MHz to 50 MHz including WARC bands and 60m.

Fully solid state
Up to 2 KW pep SSB, CW out; 50 MHz included.
MAX / MID (1KW) / LOW (500W) power selected according to the operator SSB/CW power requirement, for digital modes and for linear protection (automatic).
No heating time, immediately ready!
Virtually limitless life of the amplification devices ((6 MOSFETs MRF151G).

Automatic Antenna Tuner built-in
Capable of matching 3:1 SWR on HF, and 2.5:1 SWR on 6 meters.
Capable of programmable switching of 6 antennas (SO239 connectors).
Up to 3 antennas for the same band.
Management of the SteppIR / Ultrabeam antennas (tuneable).
Measure also the SWR of the antenna / cable system.
Bands, Antennas, Tuning conditions are changed in 10 msec.
Bands, Antennas and Tuning conditions are managed also in STBY to support the exciter only.
Max. attenuation 0.8 dB.
Bypass capability.
Remotable (option).


Easy transportation
A sturdy carry-bag is supplied for QSY, FIELD DAY, DX PEDITIONS etc..
(not included)


N.B. These specifications are subject to change without notice.

Contactar o anunciante

Fernando Mota

Anunciante desde Fev. 2019
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